armed neutrality

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

when even the long weekend isn't long enough

the long weekend was nice. monday was the "federal fast" so we got the day off. i have no idea what it means.

anyway, like i said, it was a pleasant break, but it was definitely necessary after last week's 16h per day schedule of idiocy. the upside is, i'm alive; the downside, it only really brought me back up to normal, so i really kinda need another weekend to put my rest-o-meter back in the black.

but i did a lot of packing (probably half done now), and i got to play with my cantus firmus database a fair amount. yes, it's a database now; when i realized i was indexing somewhere around 3.5 million records, i decided, hey, this is probably a good opportunity to learn about database interfacing. there are still some kinks to work out, but it's coming along quite nicely, and i'm enjoying my toy, so the purpose is well served. somewhere along the line, the naughty thought popped into my head that if things were different, i could potentially even be doing a phd on that stuff, instead of sensor networks. i've been trying not to think about it; telling myself that i would probably be just as discontent if i was in a situation where i was being forced to do it. why is it that responsibility seems to suck all the fun out of anything? you know, the whole "if it tastes good, it must be bad for you" schtick. doesn't seem to jive very well with evolution, come to think of it. if sugar is bad and green leafy vegetables good, then why don't we appreciate them accordingly? or, then again, i'm probably just not the "fittest." shocker there, huh? well, i should have known better than to ask, i suppose.

yesterday we got the deposit account squared at the bank, and signed the new contracts for the 1st of october at rilsa. to my everlasting annoyance, now the other girl, the one who takes care fo the inspections, is on vacation (luckily only until tomorrow), so i wasn't yet able to make an appointment for the actual inspection. hopefully i can sweet talk this new girl into giving me the keys soon, or at the very least the key to our basement storage room, because i really need to be able to move at least some things thie weekend when some of my friends will be available to help. otherwise, i can take a day off work next week, but i can't ask anyone else to do that. and moving everything i own via public transportation sounds like pretty much the worst idea ever.


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