armed neutrality

Thursday, September 14, 2006

even a little bit of sleep sometimes helps

just in case anyone wants to know, i'm feeling slightly less suicidal today. i wouldn't call myself a happy camper just yet, but i've somehow managed to numb myself to the ever-present impending doom just a little, and at the moment it's been reduced to a dull throb at the edge of my consciousness. i hope to take good advantage of this fortuitous turn of events, and maybe even pull this goddamn paper out of the crapper for tomorrow.

to be fair, most of the ire spewed yesterday was prompted by the shit going down at work; the apartment frustrations are just easier to grab on to and scream about, so they end up playing the straw in the straw-and-camel routine.

clearly, i don't have a whole lot of time to be writing about this right now, but after working from 6:45am to 10:30pm yesterday, and coming in again this morning at around 6:45, things are starting (if slowly) to fit into their proper places. i'm not exactly relaxed now, per se, but i feel less like i'm on death row, so i thought that warranted a mention.


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