armed neutrality

Friday, September 01, 2006

day #9556 of my life

i got a message from jon this morning pointing out the curiosity of considering one's age in days. i found a nifty little calculation script for this here ---, if you want to try it yourself.

trying desperately to bring some closure to the never-ending story that you all wish i would just stop talking about, (or at least, if there were any people reading this besides me, they would probably wish as much, but who am i kidding?), maurice got the paper from troistorrents this morning, and we faxed it in. but no, we can't go sign this afternoon, we have to wait until tuesday morning... well, that will be day #9560, i guess... it's a round number, sort of...

tomorrow and sunday i signed up for a three-part yoga seminar at the studio; they're bringing in some medium-name guy. (i say that since i hadn't heard of him before, but he was certified by k. patabhi jois himself, which was enough to impress me. his name is "michael hamilton.") so that should be interesting. there will probably be plenty more to write about that after the fact, i imagine.

and enno's public defense is tonight. i must be getting old, because time really is "flying," as it were... anyway, good for him. i'm jealous. hopefully i'll feel better about the whole deal after i pass this exam in october... hopefully i'll pass this exam in october...


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