armed neutrality

Thursday, August 10, 2006

just give me the goddamn apartment already

[heavy sigh]

i don't know how much longer i can take this. i know it sounds melodramatic, but seriously, it's like i've been jacked up on adrenaline (and not in a good way) for nigh upon two solid weeks now. i caved and called them this morning. predictably, the girl pretended to be shocked that i could consider calling her, when surely they would have called me if they had decided to give it to me (which is stupid anyway, because if they don't decide to give it to me, i need to start looking again--they've already stolen two weeks of precious time, and now they expect the losers to wait for a snail-mail letter to show up before they even get to know what happened). i [again] got the standard line: "oh, i think they will probably make a decision tomorrow or monday." give me a break, bitch, that's what you people have been saying since LAST thursday.

in other news, to try to take my mind off it, i decided last night to try to break my knuckle-cracking habit. not sure how this is going to to turn out. i've already caught myself a few times, but if i force myself to concentrate, it seems i can counter the urge. well, it's only been 12 hours, so we'll probably have to wait a bit longer to see what's really going to happen.


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