armed neutrality

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

i know i shouldn't be suprised, but...

how naive of me to think that a gerance, of all people, would actually keep their word about something.

so friday we faxed in the form, and asked about coming in to sign the contract. she said it couldn't be done then, but we'd have to come in on tuesday morning (yep, that's today). remember that this is all after *she* was gone on vacation for **three weeks** and noone even touched the file; and now suddenly, since she's ready, everything has to be done instantaneously. except her parts, of course, which always take several days. but anyway. so we went in this morning at 8:45, and she looks at me like she has no idea who i am, so i try to jog her memory by saying "good morning, we're here to sign the contract for bois de la fontaine 11?" she still looks clueless, but shuffles through her papers, and finds the file, which she miraculously forgot to prepare. and what's worse, she's not even the one that needs to do it, it's her supervisor, who won't be in until 10:00 or 10:30. and she wants us to come back. this is ridiculous, and we tell her so. finally she decides that she can send it to us, but stresses repeatedly that we have to send it back "the same day," at which point i explain to her that we live in different cities, so who is she going to send it to? then she wants to mail it in a circle, so i offer to come in tomorrow morning, if she can swear to me that she'll have it ready by then, and then we can mail it to maurice. but she thinks she can do it this morning, so she's going to call me before lunch, and there's a possibility that we'll be able to go back in before they close this evening (and maurice will study at the school for today). hopefully this will work out without any more stupidity. you'd better believe i'm going to call her and give her a piece of my mind if my phone hasn't rung by noon...


i just called her. apparently the "supervisor" didn't come in at all today, but she "thinks" he'll be in tomorrow to prepare the document. riiiight. deja vu, anyone?

well, okay, i guess we're doing the round-robin snail mail solution now. good lord, when is this ever going to end?


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