armed neutrality

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

social networks in sketchy countries

okay, so maybe "sketchy" is a bit harsh, but it seemed less severe that using the tired and demeaning old "third world" descriptor.

anyway, my point is that i somehow got myself snookered into signing up for these ridiculous social spying things (orkut and friendster), and now i find myself being constantly spammed by creepy desperate brazilians (orkut), and equally creepy [probably more desperate] philipinos (friendster). what the hell is up with this? are things really still so bad there that they are actually actively trying to marry out of their country---to complete strangers? (and is there anyone out there desperate or dumb enough to actually do it for them?) or is it instead turning into one of those sickeningly infantile japanese card games where people go completely bonkers over collecting every single last one of them---only this time they're playing with real people. and quite frankly, i don't particularly like the idea of being collected.

i mean, the idea was kinda neat in the beginning, you use it as sort of an adaptive address book to keep track of people you might otherwise lose hold of. but seriously, people, if i've neither met you nor even ever heard of you or anyone you profess to know, there's really no chance that i'm going to want to be your friend just because you send me some dumbass braindead message like "u luuk kuul! i wants to be comm yuza FREND!!1!~" (cough, gag) am i just nuts, here? really, what the hell gives?

disclaimer: i am neither a racist nor even a patriot. i am merely a cynical luddite who treats the internet somewhat like a dark alley, and is therefore understandably suspicious of lurking creatures that one might meet there. (and rightfully so, i might add, if i do say so myself...)


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