armed neutrality

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

lightning strikes


i'm quite sure that during the massive thuderstorm on friday evening, my building was struck by lightening. it was wicked bright, and scary loud, and i heard strange popping noises coming from the kitchen that i couldn't account for, all at about the same time as the whole left side of my body felt like when you accidentally place your finger across the prongs of a plug that's not quite plugged in. craaazy. anyway, this probably means that i wasn't personally struck directly by lightening, but rather just feeling the presence of the ungodly gargantuan electric field generated by all the nearby current, but it's still kindof a novelty, i suppose. and possibly somewhat safer for me.

during the same storm, two of my three tomato plants got torn right out of the dirt they were planted in. that pissed me off substantially. i guess i'm just not meant to be a gardener. i try and i try and i try, but i just can't keep my plants from dying horrible awful untimely plant deaths.

alcherio and chiara had their daughter last thursday, so he's not around this week. unfortunately, a side effect of this is that i'm not being particularly productive, which will probably result in me falling behind and getting stressed out again sometime in the next couple of weeks. i'm trying to avoid this at all costs.

i brought the helicopter in to work with me a couple days ago, and people were playing with it at lunchtime (we have a huge open atrium in the building which is pretty much ideal for it). it's kinda fun having something that everyone wants to play with. it's also fun watching them fight over it like kindergarteners (well, not really, but almost). ;) now, if i can just find a hobby shop to get proper materials, i can start making improvements, or even building one of my own from scratch...

i really want to buy a bicycle, but i have no idea where to go to buy one. even if i find a real bike shop in switzerland, i'm sure i won't be able to afford anything, but i just can't bring myself to buy a bicycle at the equivalent of target. it just feels wrong (not to mention the fact that even i can tell that they're pretty crappy bikes).

bbq on the lakeshore tonight in lieu of movienight on thursday. sounds like it should be fun.


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