armed neutrality

Saturday, April 16, 2005

strange... yet terrifying

okay, so i realize that there have been innumerable, shall we be generous and say, "unfortunate" or "misguided" fashion ideas over the years (c.f. beehives, early eighties full-face eyeglasses, and the easiest target of all: polyester, anyone?), but good god of grammar, what i saw this morning was well over the "traumatic" line, and speeding headlong towards purely "tragic." and it was only on a manequin (i sincerely hope no real person is tricked into actually wearing such a monstrosity).

okay, so here's the deal: we all know how some shirts are slit at the collar, so you can get them over your head, right? and then there are some that connect back together once they're on you. alright, now you've probably even seen the women's shirts that are like that, but after being refastened, they leave a little teardrop shaped window of skin showing, and it's kinda cute on the right person. one step further, i think i even remember seeing one that left this hole even though it didn't come undone; the collar was a single piece of fabric, but they still put the hole there. all that, i can deal with... now imagine this concept (decorative, yet completely non-functional, hole in clothing) applied to the backside of a bikini bottom. [shudder] it was utterly unbelievable. i mean, even manequins have cracks, and it was like this bathing suit was especially designed to give you a window on where it started. it was almost like i'd mysteriously been transported to an alternate universe where plumber's butt was a fashion statement... woah. what the hell were they thinking?


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