armed neutrality

Monday, July 18, 2005

no new digs after all

i think this diet might be amplifying my mood swings (i know, i didn't think it was possible either). right now i'm rather miffed because enno told me this afternoon that apparently sandra (his girlfriend) has decided to move to lausanne, and so he'll probably be looking for an apartment to share with her instead of me. of course, it all makes perfect sense, and it would be completely unreasonable for me to be upset, but i am more than a little disappointed. i guess i've probably always been inclined to be a little bit too jealous about my friends. it just sounded like it would have been really cool, and i was excited about it. not sure why it failed to set off the "too good to be true" alarm.

meanwhile, there are other interesting things afoot. ironically enough, the same sandra that's stealing my potential flatmate has agreed to a german tandem with me. so this could be amusing. we're supposed to start tomorrow night.

also, at the end-of-term pizza feed for the I&C school last thursday, i saw vincent again (random person i met at anne-elisabeth's birthday party months ago, and never saw again, nor had any way of contacting) and we talked for a bit. he said he might be interested in going on a hike sometime, and gave me one of his cards, so i know where to find him now. i've also been getting on pretty well with yannick, a biology phd student that comes to markus's "movienights" on occasion. he's pretty neat; i guess his mother is french and his father german, and he's lived significant portions of time in france, germany, and the states, which makes him yet another infuriating polyglot. :) whatever the case, he's currently on my list of favorite people for the simple reason that he told me about a yoga studio in lausanne (i'm always excited to meet people who don't think i'm a freak for liking yoga). and i went to a class there on saturday morning. it was expensive (god, was it expensive: chf25), but it was actually a really good class. and it definitely showed me that while you can practice on your own, it's not really possible to push yourself the same way that a real instructor can. wow. i'm almost ashamed of my performance, but that just fuels my resolve to get back into it. unfortunately, the studio will be closed for the month of august, while the proprietors (a cool guy from scotland and his swiss wife) go on vacation, but i'll try to see if i can find a couple of classes a week on their fall schedule that i can do when they start up again.

then yesterday i went running. i think i need new shoes. my feet start falling asleep after a while, which is somewhat unsettling. and i know that it's not that they are tied too tightly, because as soon as i stop and take a few ordinary steps walking, it goes away. i almost wonder if the "falling asleep" feeling is actually caused by a lack of oxygen rather than a lack of blood (since the former is a consequence of the latter). this might mean that my blood cells run out of oxygen giving it all to my leg muscles before they get to my feet... okay, clearly, i'm no doctor, nor do i play one on television, so this is all complete bullshit on my part. anyone who has a better idea of what's really going on is certainly encouraged to set me straight. please.

oh, and i bought cherries and raspberries over the weekend. they weren't cheap, but god, were they good. wow. i love fruit. that is all.

and regardless of whatever other transient side effects i may be experiencing, the diet really seems to be working. and even better than i had imagined at that. this morning i weighed in at a new low of 70kg (~154lbs). which doesn't sound like anything special, except that i started this whole deal on june 20th (a little less than a month ago) at 75kg... even if i back off a little bit, it's still looking totally reasonable for me to reach my goal of 60kg before christmastime. maybe i'm hoping for too much. maybe i'm setting myself up for disapppointment. but right now, i don't even really care---i'm excited, and armed with the simple mathematical feedback tools that i described before, i'm convinced that it's not only working, but should continue to work. i can't even remember the last time i felt this optimistic, or even this impatient. with all the buildup i'm giving it, i imagine that even if i do succeed in becoming thin, it will likely seem anti-climactic, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.


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