armed neutrality

Saturday, November 06, 2004

of insanity and insomnia

so, i was dead tired yesterday and went to bed at like 9:30pm. which, obviously, means i can't sleep now (4:00am).

as such, sitting here reading email, and clicking the "delete forever" button after checking all the checkboxes in the spam folder of gmail---i find myself struck by (what at the moment i think might be) a clever idea:

what if, instead of "delete forever," there was a mechanism to forge a postmaster bounce message? we all know that you can't "follow the instructions at the bottom to be removed," because this simply confirms that the message did, in fact, reach a warm body, and thereby makes the problem worse. but can we trick them into thinking they didn't reach us? in my drowsy, yet somehow insomniac, state of mind right now, this seems like a real possibility.

probably it's already been tried? or someone knows why it wouldn't work?

anyway, that's just one of many random pre-dawn thoughts.

the quality of markus's movie collection varies wildly. this thursday, we saw "alien vs. predator." enough said... though, after that, he busted out with this incredibly terrifying video (i have no idea where he found it) of some whack-o nutjob giving some sort of inspirational seminar on how to meet women. the people in the audience asking questions were really creepy (well, okay, they were exactly the sort of people you would expect to find at such an event). if i was a woman, i don't think i would give them the time of day either.

my reaction was that this was just plain weird. markus, daniel, and michele all thought that it was hilarious. perhaps because i kind of got the impression that they thought this was a typically american thing? at any rate, they claim such things would never happen in european countries, so i guess that makes it by default at least a "comparatively american" thing. i still find it a little offensive when something like this comes up. i know they don't mean it that way, but i'm kinda hypersensitive to the fact that i'm still technically american, and therefore dislike being generalized into the same category as the inbred ass-picking redneck hicks. **i can't wait until i get my italian passport.** damn, it's going to be awesome.

that's all for now. maybe some deeper thoughts after the sun comes up.


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