armed neutrality

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

reticent relapse

okay, for some reason it's suddenly striking me as strange that basically everything i've written lately has to do with the same person, i just realized. i hope i'm not going nuts, or turning into a psycho stalker or anything. it just that in what little spare time i've had recently, almost all of it has involved doing something with him. okay, so this is probably where i start flipping out and get all paranoid about 'wearing out my welcome,' and it does bother me a little to think about it, but on the other hand, we seem to be getting along really well at the moment. god, now i've gone and confused myself again. what the hell is up with this?

i also feel kinda bad after finding out this afternoon that with all the other stuff going on in the last week, jim's birthday yesterday completely slipped my mind, even after i kept telling myself that i needed to make sure to remember it. probably it will be easier for everybody to do something this weekend anyway, but it still bugs me that i didn't even think to acknowledge it on the actual day.

well, the past is past now, so i guess we just have to own our mistakes, and move on.

that, and i need to get more sleep tonight, so i'm off to bed. [yawn]

good night.


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