armed neutrality

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

portents of pole reversal

well, i'm afraid it's going to have to be a short one today, folks.

it's late again, and i'm falling asleep as we (hrm, "i" is probably closer to the truth...) speak. but i did want to record the fact that i'm starting to pull out of my depressive episode. probably take another several days before i get all the way through the transitory phase to manic, but the first glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel is always a reassuring omen. with any luck, i'll soon be able to write about nice happy happenings, instead of all things morose, melancholy, and occasionally macabre. i imagine that if there's anyone actually reading this, they'll likely appreciate that.

somehow this week, even if it is through little (if any) fault of my own, i seem to be getting out a lot more. this is always a plus. on monday, igor invited a bunch of us over for dinner, yesterday oscar lent me some really atrocious british comedy dvds and i went to nikolaus's appartment and we watched one, and today, some people from lanos went to the chateau for pizza. with each evening came a couple of fleeting moments where i would forget to be insecure, and just have a good time for a little bit. sure, the feeling doesn't last very long before you remember, but good things seldom do, so you just have to enjoy them while they last. it's a good feeling.

on friday and saturday, enno and i are going to turin for the "slowfood" convention thing ( it should be fun. at least i'm hoping so. probably i'll end up writing about it when i get back.

clearly, i have nothing important left to say at the moment, since this post is rapidly degenerating into a poorly executed free-association session.

good night.


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