armed neutrality

Thursday, October 12, 2006

laundry and locrian

last night, two nice things happened.

the first is not necessarily all that interesting, but held a certain immediacy for me which should be readily apparent given that i moved into the new apartment three weeks ago: i finally got my first chance to use the laundry room [rolls eyes]. well, at least the concierge is trying to make up a new schedule---one that includes us this time---and she said we would probably get monday evenings from 16h-20h. the fact that we have to stop at 8:00 is a little annoying, but it's better than getting the 12h-16h slot (you know, given that we actually have jobs and all...).

second, much more amusing: i goofed off with my pet music project again, which i seem to have nicknamed "generatus" at the moment (other suggestions still welcome). this whole DTL framework for interfacing to the database is a little odd at first, but i think i'm getting to like it. in any case, it seems to work, so i can't complain too much. i actually managed to complete the link, and tried piping the generated sequences into mysql. oh, and i wasn't quite right in my previous description; those counts were before i put in the bound on total distance leapt. limiting it to 24 half-steps (two octaves; seems fairly generous to me, and was quite a bit larger than most of the human-composed examples i consulted) actually brings down the total number---including all seven modes---to just under one million.

now, of course, that's assuming i didn't make any mistakes, because now that i have a database (woohee!) it's much easier to navigate through the results, and i get the sneaking suspicion that there might be some possibilities missing, which i'm not sure why they would have been ruled out yet. i set the generation process to run while i was sleeping last night, and only looked at the results for a couple of minutes this morning over my breakfast cereal, so i haven't really had a chance to properly investigate yet.

but it's unbelievable how excited i am about the fact that it actually seems like it's working (or at least beginning to work). this is possibly the first of my silly side-project ideas in a *very* long time that i've actually followed through on, such that it may eventually come to fruition. and don't worry, one of the next steps will be the cheesy web interface so that all one of you that both reads this and might actually care can share in my elation. or laugh uproariously at me. yeah, probably the latter. shut up, bitch, or i brings you the hurt. ha. take that.

if only i was this motivated about my research... [sigh]


At 10/18/2006 06:57:00 PM, Blogger old_davers said...

"generetus" is taken - that's what I dubbed my bio-weapon virus that causes hoboes to grow bulletproof exoskeletons. find a new name. (or face the wrath of a bulletproof exoskeleton-clad hobo army)


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