armed neutrality

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

even the greeks weren't stupid enough to run in the rain

wow. i'm still not sure why i did it, but i'm also somewhat amazed that i didn't die. or at least end up in an ambulance or hospital. i suppose that's something to be a little proud of. sunday i ran 1/4 of the lausanne marathon. in a torrential downpour. we were soaked before we even got to the starting line, and that was through my rain shell. but i ran the whole thing; not even any walking. ten-point-six-some-odd kilometers. geez. i definitely need new shoes though. these ones have finally given up the ghost. which is a shame, since i liked them. i wonder if they still make similar ones---these had a huge air pocket right under the ball of your foot, and were very springy; completely unlike any of the others i tried on at the time (which, admittedly, was almost six years ago, but still).

however, i'm more than a little pissed that they recorded the times without telling me, and then published them to boot. of course i'm glad i just finished, but my time was fucking abysmal, and i can't believe they had the audacity not only to take it, but to distribute it. this is even after i went and specifically asked about it, and received their promises and assurances that they would erase all record of my having participated. yeah. displeased does not even begin to illustrate my ire.

as if to add insult to injury, the weather shaped up within hours of us finishing. beautiful saturday afternoon, beautiful sunday afternoon, monsoon inbetween, just another special delivery for the poor saps stupid enough to try running in an organized event. i'm not sure i'll ever do anything like that again. true, it was only my first, but it was more discouraging and depressing than anything else. probably better just to continue going on my own. we'll see.

but anyway, i've been (obviously) walking a little funny since then, but no permanent damage has showed up yet. messed up my sleep schedule pretty good, though. took a nap sunday afternoon, and then was wide awake at 3am. which i guess worked out alright in the end, though, since jaime and i had made a phone appointment for ten (which would have been midday for her, as she was driving back from portland to spokane), but she apparently hadn't been on the road yet, since i was unable to catch her. so i called when i woke up at three, she actually answered (wonder of wonders, i've been trying to get her on the phone for over a month now), and we had a really good, nice long chat. i miss her, and being able to talk with her. somehow she has a mysterious way of making me feel better about things. regardless, it was good.

friday i got bored again and cut my hair. i guess i'm getting pretty good at it by now, but it's not like it's very hard. saturday morning was yoga as usual. yannick had mentioned he might come, but didn't. haven't seen him in a while; i'll have to track him down at some point soon.

finally saw godfather I and II (little bits at a time over the last week or so worth of evenings). they really are quite well done, in that way that really gets to you so forcefully that you almost feel sick, just from empathising with the psychological and emotional struggles of the characters. especially the scene where she tells him that it wasn't a miscarriage. and when fredo admits that he feels belittled by the fact that his younger brother takes care of him. that was some heavy stuff.

i've reserved a "refuge" (multipurpose center) in the woods north of lausanne for our thanksgiving party. i'm starting to realize what a big ordeal this has turned into, and hence am starting to worry a little. but that's probably a little healthy, too. if i don't worry at all about it, there's a much larger chance that it will end up being a disaster. cross your fingers and hope that doesn't happen.


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