armed neutrality

Friday, October 21, 2005

three nights in a row

it's strange. sometimes i feel like i don't have any social life at all, and then others, everything happens at once, and it's like there aren't anymore free evenings in the week at all.

tuesday, a bunch of us went over to jean-christophe and celine's place for a "real valaisian raclette" as they like to call it, even with the cheese that he brought back from valais. turns out, it was actually his birthday, and he didn't tell anyone, which i found a little annoying, since i would have wanted to do something about it, but it was a very fun evening nonetheless. i even convinced him to try teaching me to do the raclette thing. i didn't do too bad, for my first time, but it's clear that it takes practice, and is not nearly as simple as it looks. i also probably drank much more than i should have, seeing as jean-christophe kept insisting, and my french isn't quite good enough for arguing. :) but celine (who doesn't see me very often) commented on how she thinks i really am getting a lot better every time we see each other, which i found encouraging, since it's hard for me to gauge my progress on my own.

twin peaks is basically dead. probably we'll get the o'neils, ildar and me together some weekend and just finish it out in a marathon, since we seem to be the only people still interested, and half the time the o'neils can't come on wednesdays for one reason or another. anyway, it was just ildar and i again this week, so he reminded me that i had mentioned at one point possibly teaching him how to cook. sounded like a good idea, so he came over and i walked him through making a cream sauce out of the gorgonzola i had left in the refrigerator. we threw some walnuts on top of it and some pasta, and it was actually very good. and i think we both had fun, which is of course the important part.

then 'movienight' on thursday was kinda special, since i didn't end up doing any of the cooking, which is unusual, but cool from time to time. especially this time, since it was sarah making us egyptian food---which was tasty awesome. really really good. oh, and i have no idea how it came up, but i guess now fred says he's working on finding nice girls to introduce me to. [rolls eyes] i think i must have said something to the effect of complaining that everyone says the best way to learn french is to have a french-speaking significant other, and yet it's nearly impossible to meet people, much less become involved in a relationship with them, until after you already speak the language. catch-22. ha. anyway, i guess we'll see what he comes up with.


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