armed neutrality

Friday, September 16, 2005

what sorry lives these sick people must lead

what the fuck is the deal with all this comment spam we've started getting now? don't these people have anything better to do with their lives? i mean, i know it's obviously an automated thing trawling for new posts, since there's no way in hell that a real live person could actually read all of one of my posts and then even copy-paste into the reply box in the 37.2 seconds it takes these abominations to appear, but still.

i just don't understand how people can be so incredibly stupid. sure, it's all statistics, and all you need is one sucker in 100,000, or something infintesimally small like that. but seriously---it creeps me out that even that small number of people are wandering around free, with absolutely zero higher brain functions... where the hell is natural selection when we need it?


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