armed neutrality

Saturday, April 07, 2007

behind schedule but trying not to lose hope

in more ways than one...

mostly, with respect to the IROS submission deadline on monday. it looks like i'll make it, though it's unclear as yet what the quality of the final submission will actually be like. that i'm none to happy about the fact that we have an official 4-day weekend, and i'm having to work all the way through it and getting no credit for it (in terms of extra vacation or whatever). anyway, i'm in no danger of running out, and it's looking like i won't even be able to take the vacation days i'm allotted, so i'm not sure why exactly i'm complaining, except for the fact that on principle, it just really sucks. and it only makes it worse that the weather is fucking gorgeous. who'd'a' figured?

i'm also behind on posting anything about what little of interest has been happening in my life lately. sadly there hasn't been much, but i've been remiss even in writing about the little things. unfortunately, given the deadline on monday, now probably isn't the time that this situation is going to be remedied, either.

but for now, we end on a happy note: even though not quite on the original schedule, i am making noticable headway with my diet. this morning i weighed in at 69.0kg and 20.0% body fat. therefore, after a little math, in the last three weeks, i've lost 1.6kg of fat, leaving 4kg left to go for my mid-way goal. i had originally wanted to get there by june 1st, but realistically, it may slip past that a little bit. maybe by my birthday instead; that would still be good.

oh, and another pleasant side effect of my three weeks back on the diet: i've reclaimed 1.5-2 notches on my belt. it used to be that the second hole was comfortable and the third was a little tight; now the fourth is snug, but i can pull it all the way to the fifth if i want (though that's pretty tight, and not exactly comfortable yet). just have to keep at it... just have to keep telling myself that i just have to keep at it...


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