armed neutrality

Monday, February 05, 2007

key lime sublime

sunday we still had the leftover limes from spicy night mexico, and they weren't getting any younger or jucier, so i made a key lime pie. and, if i do say so myself, i did a fucking good job of it, too. my pie crusts are always pretty good, but occasionally they come out perfect, and when they do, watch out! this one was perfect. (yes, i'm proud of myself, let me have my moment and just deal with it.) naturally, we're ignoring for the moment the simple-yet-obvious fact that such a pie is not even remotely on my diet. yeah, gotta do something about that; this diet has been making little if any progress yet.

oh, and on the subject of bizarre mood swings again, another ridiculous anecdote (at least it's a good one). at thursday's choral rehearsal, it ended up that i was sitting near a couple of the 'popular kids,' as i tend to think of them, but i suppose all that really means is that i'm mildly jealous of their charisma. anyway, as per usual, i started to get a little antsy after a couple hours, and went to crack my back to realign it (crossing my legs to brace my elbow against so as to induce an extreme twist/extension; very effective, and occasionally surprising to someone who's never heard that many pops at once before). what *i* didn't expect, though, was that they would try to imitate me. (mimicry is indeed a very effective---and for me, unexpected--- form of flattery.) and we all got a brief chuckle out of their realization that it wasn't quite as straightforward as it looked, and even that they weren't quite flexible enough to do exactly what i had done. a few minutes later, i assumed a half-lotus sit on my chair, and they followed suit again, or at least attempted to, with amusing results, until just settling on an indian-sit compromise. after we had all had our little giggle about that, i playfully mentioned that i didn't think i had ever had this much influence, and when the response came back (even though obviously just joking) that they "would follow me anywhere," well, let's just say that moment ranks up there amoung the most pleasant i've had in recent memory.

there was fondue and settlers at fabius's place saturday night, and friday we took the wii up to the 4th floor conference room again (the one with the fantastic rear-projector and sound system). unfortunately, i still haven't found a solution for using it at home yet, but i'm hoping this will take care of itself sometime soon. and i'd prefer that the solution which presents itself not be for me to buy one of these abominable flat monstrosities that cost the equivalent of two new cars... unfortunately it seems that these are all anyone is selling anymore, though...


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