armed neutrality

Monday, March 19, 2007

setting and achieving realistic goals

okay, well, despite the fact that i haven't written about several recent events yet, i want to get this down right away. i finally restarted my diet about a week and a half ago, and i'm going to try to take it more seriously this time, and maybe finally get to the bottom of this mess once and for all.

to this end, i decided last night that i am setting the following goal, which i [at least currently] believe to be realistic, and even somewhat conservative, if i'm strict with myself:

by june 1st, 2007, i will weigh at most 65kg at 15% body fat.

today, the 19th of march, i weighed in at 70.3kg and 21.9% fat (-6.9%=-4.85kg, leaving 65.45kg, so the relative numbers should be reasonable). there are 11 weeks between now and then, which means that we're shooting for about 500g per week, leaving a small margin for mistakes, just in case. (that's approximately a pound a week; the reading i've done leads me to believe that this is safe, reasonable, and even slightly modest---but if you believe otherwise, please do let me know why. given my history, i obviously want to be very careful about doing this in the safest manner possible.)

well, i guess all that's left is for you to wish me luck... [hint hint]