armed neutrality

Friday, March 17, 2006

with understanding comes despair

so last weekend i was whining about the whole trying to submit something to ANTS on a week's notice, right? well, i got permission from nidhi to re-use some bits of her technical report as a follow-up of her DARS paper. so we submitted a title and abstract by the sunday night deadline, and life looked pretty good.

well, now i've spent a week on it (or i suppose about half a week, since every day has included some kind of crisis that took at least have the day, but that's a different topic for me to bitch about). and the good news is, i think i'm finally beginning to understand the whole modeling schtick that alcherio is so keen on. the bad is, clearly, that with this newfound understanding, i'm now pretty sure that my original vision of what i wanted to write in the paper is basically just wrong---and i have little if any clue what i could actually write in order to end up with something remotely interesting.

and of course, it's due on sunday...

this is my "depressed and feeling worthless and stupid" face.


At 3/19/2006 01:10:00 AM, Blogger old_davers said...

my advice? forge ahead anyway. if our government has proven anything, it's that you can do pretty much anything that is completely and utterly wrong; and that provided you do it boldly, and never admit to being wrong, you're practically guaranteed that around 34% of people will think you're right.

I don't actually know what this paper is all about (I'll asssume its some physics thing), but if you publish it and people attack you for being wrong, just claim that they're "against the advancement of science" and compare their criticism with "evolution-deniers" or something like that.


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